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Egyptian wine jars dating back 5,000 years have been found!

5000-year-old wine jars discovered in Egypt!

Archaeologists unearthed a trove of valuable grave goods in the tomb of the first dynasty Egyptian queen Meret-Neith, including numerous large wine jars, some of which are sealed. These findings provide strong evidence of Meret-Neith's significant status, possibly even as the first female pharaoh of Egypt.

Meret-Neith, who lived approximately 5,000 years ago and reigned around 2950 BCE, is believed to have been a queen-consort and regent, though her precise role as a ruler or pharaoh remains uncertain. Historically, Sobekneferu is recognized as the first queen to assume the full royal titulary, although she lived a thousand years later.

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The tomb of Meret-Neith in the royal necropolis of Abydos offers compelling evidence of her importance. She was interred amid male pharaohs, and her tomb displayed remarkable opulence and comparable size, leading experts to conclude that she was likely the most influential woman of her era.

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An international team of archaeologists, led by Christiana Kohler from the University of Vienna, collaborated with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities to investigate this grand monument that served as Meret-Neith's final resting place.

In addition to the wine jars, which were found along with grape seeds and remnants of the wine they once contained, inscriptions were uncovered indicating Meret-Neith's involvement in key royal offices such as the royal treasury. These inscriptions further underscore the queen's significance.

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The researchers utilized advanced archaeological technologies to gain a better understanding of the construction of the burial monument. The complex, built with unbaked brick, clay, and wood, also contained the tombs of 41 servants and courtiers buried alongside the queen.

5000-year-old wine jars discovered in Egypt!

The analysis revealed that this monument was constructed in multiple stages over an extended period, suggesting that these burial companions may not have been ritually sacrificed but rather honored by being laid to rest with the queen after their natural deaths.

Efforts to learn more about this enigmatic queen continue, as her story continues to captivate us even millennia after her passing. But the wine jars were the find though!


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Name: Tara Maddox

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